Subscription solutions
Only applicable to P.S.A!

At LetsgradeCards it is now possible to get subscription solutions for PSA Grading! On this page you can read about how it works, how to get started and what conditions apply!
Our ambition with subscriptions
It is our ambition to be able to guarantee all customers who send to grading with LetsgradeCards that we send to grading every week - especially on the service types Bulk (TCG) and Bulk (Sport / TCG) which are the customers' preferred service types. However, this requires a certain customer flow, and this is precisely where we hope this concept can play a crucial role.
Minimum requirements for subscription schemes
Minimum quantity: 5 cards
Minimum binding period: 3 shipments
Minimum insurance: +17 kr. card (cover for 1000kr per card)
Bonding period
There is a minimum binding period of 3 months to subscribe to LetsgradeCards. The longer the period you bind you to, the cheaper your subscription! - You can see all the ways you can get a discount in your subscription further down this page! - When your bonding period is completed, you can cancel or pause your subscription at any time. Your subscription continues after your bonding period until you cancel or pause your subscription yourself.
You can choose whether you want your subscription set up so you send in every month, once a quarter, or once half a year. As soon as we have enough connection to send a submission into a given service type to PSA, we will send off.
Payment of one's subscription
You will be drawn for your subscription on 1 for a month, depending on how your frequency on your subscription is set up.
Opt Out
You have the option of terminating your subscription earlier than agreed! - This requires a collection of 50% of the total bill that is missing in your subscription.
Should LetsgradeCards bypass significant restructuring lapses the customer's obligations and repetitive payments can cease.
Force Majeure
Should unforeseen changes arise from our supplier (PSA) such as (but not limited to) price raises, it is possible for LetsgradeCards ApS to cancel customer subscription schemes. Should there be shutdowns at PSA which affects the service that LetsgradeCards ApS provides to its customers, it is possible to cancel subscription schemes if there is no prospect of the situation at PSA being changed within a 3 month period.
Subscription Deadlines:
Deadline for submitting cards on all subscription schemes is the last bank day in a given month! If we have 10 days before the deadline not received your package, we will send you a reminder to your mail. Have we not received your package on the last banking day of a month we will send you a "Last Warning" mail where we will give you +5 days to hand over your package to us. After our deadline for a given period of time has passed your opportunity to send your cards in, but we credit you 50% of your payment as "big credit" which you can use on our website.
It is YOUR responsibility to send your cards to us in a timely manner. - If there are periods when it is not possible you should contact to make a written agreement on the extension of your submission period.
Special offers at PSA:
If there are special offers at PSA, they are automatically assigned everyone who has a subscription solution. That is, if PSA offers an offer on the service that you subscribe to which affects the price then you will automatically receive "big credit" you can use in your next purchase. MAKE PSA offers that positively affect the delivery rate and you are automatically covered by this offer.
Why is it smart?
This is designed for those collectors who continuously want to send maps to grading - it is you you who can see the value of having a fixed flow of cards that you send off so you always get cards home that you can use for to exchange, sell and save in your PC (Private Collection). It is still possible to use our website as you have always done. For all new customers, and the segment of customers who prefer to send 1-5 once in a while we recommend using the normal flow on our website.
How does it work?
You can tailor the subscription that fits your needs exactly!
You have to choose what grading service you want to be included in your subscription - for example, it could be bulk (TCG) for Pokemon, MTG etc. If you want to send cards into several different service types, you have several different subscriptions .
Here's how to get started!
In order for you to get a subscription, contact our support at - It is simply not possible to do yourself!
Through our conversation with you by mail, we will find out the following:
* What service do you want to use?
* How many cards do you want to send at a time?
* How often will you send? (per month / per quarter / half annually)
* How many shipments would you commit to?
* Do you require more insurance than our minimum requirements?
Ready to contact support? click here
Activation of credit card
When the above is agreed, you will receive a link that can activate your credit card - this costs 1kr in administration fee for a full 2024! - It is required for subscription schemes that one's credit card is approved for “repetitive payments”
Activation of subscription
Once your credit card is approved for repetitive payments, you will receive a new link where you need to approve and enable your subscription! - From here your payments run automatically!
Based on our normal pricing structure, you must of course have an extra good deal by using a subscription! The more you send and the longer the period you choose to bind to this solution the cheaper price we can give you!
Our normal discount staircase
5-19 cards (+8%)
20-49 cards (+12%)
50-99 cards (+20%)
100+ cards (+ 25%)
Subscription Quantity:
5-19 cards (+3%)
20+ cards (+ 5%)
Bonding period:
* It is always required to bind for at least 3 shipments!
4-6 shipments within a 12 month period (+3%)
7-12 shipments within a 24 month period (+4%)
12+ shipments within a 36 month period (+ 5%)
Max Discount:
You can Max obtain a total discount on 30% By subscription solutions!
Insurance costs 1.7% of the insurance sum - this is equivalent to the fact that if you are to be insured for 10,000 kr then it costs you 170kr.
If you want to be covered for +10,000 kr per order then we give 10% discount on the insurance so that the insurance sum is 1.53%
Big Credit:
At LetsgradeCards we have introduced the concept of "Store Credit". This concept can be used by anyone who creates and uses an account on our website. You can use your big credit when shopping on our website. You can choose how much of your big credit you want to use! ISLANDPret you as a user here!
Big Credit will be awarded to your account in a number of cases!
If we need to credit you, or refund parts of an order you will receive this in the form of large Credit. We drive from time to time special campaigns where you can earn large credit. If you do not submit your cards in your subscription scheme in a timely manner the opportunity to send your cards to us, but we credit you 50% of your payment as big credit!
How to figure out your price:
Case is based on a subscription where you send 10 cards at a time during a binding period of 7 shipments.
Let's say you would like to have a subscription of 10 cards per shipment that runs in at least 7 bonds:
10-19 cards give you in terms of our normal discount staircase a discount of 8% based on the normal price.
With a subscription in this class for you extra discount of 3% off.
You choose a binding period of 7-12 months so for you +4% off at extra discount!
That is, you get a full 15% discount according to the normal price. (8+3+4)
Let's say you will use bulk (TCG) in your subscription - it costs 190kr per. Short in normal price.
DISCOUNT PR CARD: 190kr *0.85 = 161.5kr
Total Price for Grading: 161.50 x 10 = 1615kr
Insurance (cover of 1000kr per card): 10 x 17kr = 170
Packages of over 10,000kr in insurance receive a discount of 10%: 170*0.9 = 153kr
Total Package Price: 1615 + 153 = 1768 kr
Normal price for this product = 1918 kr
You save: 1918 - 1768 = £ 150 order
When your subscription after 7 shipments is done you have saved this way: 1050kr!
Ready to get started? And Contact support here!