Who is PSA?

Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) is the largest and most reliable third-party trade approval and classification business in the world. Since the beginning of 1991, PSA has certified over 40 million maps and collectibles.


PSA encapsulates all hobby cards in a way that cannot manipulate the condition of the card. These attractive, hard plastic boxes provide protection against pressure and not least damage. When your hobby cards are encapsulated, you can be sure your cards remain safe against additional wear. Your cards can now go for generation for 100 shows of years.

Get the maximum value out of your cards

PSA can help you get the most out of your cards. Short approved and classified by PSA achieves fantastic auction prices. PSA has long been the standard for third-party approval and classification services. Validation of this fact can be seen in today's market, where PSA is synonymous with market value. Phrases like "What is it worth in a PSA 10?" and "What is it going for in a PSA 9?" is commonly used in the map market. Get the maximum value out of your "bohave" by Grade your collection. It's worth the investment!

Have control of your facts

It has never been easier to find information about your favorite PSA classified hobby cards. Collect articles, prices, populations and checklists all in one place: